Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Burlap Christmas

As a kid, I remember falling in love with crafting specially when the materials to be used  give one a natural or organic feel. It just appeals to me that in its simplest form, I find the endless ways of transforming it into something rustic yet elegant. 

Burlap tree topiaries
A few months ago, I found this interesting utility fabric called "burlap" under DIY projects in Pinterest. Made from the jute, flax, or hemp plant, it is a fibrous and sturdy woven material that has reached its versatility from being a potato or apple bag to a decorative favorite made into curtains, table runners and other home or event accents. I tried finding them at my local JoAnn store with the consolation that it is priced cheap.  Though some may not like its rough texture and smell, burlap is gold to a shabby chic Momx4. It's modest beginnings have now been catapulted to sophistication by artisans whose creativity harmonized cost efficiency with art.  Since burlap gives me that childhood excitement, I tried doing this year's Christmas decors using the material.

I made a bubble textured wreath to accentuate the front door, topiaries seated on our dining area's mantle, and using the leftovers to wrap around a vase as table centerpiece .

Added some glittery Christmas balls and plaid bow.  
scrap burlap material wrapped around a vase

 Create or venture into something that will get you renewed and excited about life. Do it with all your imprints lavished on it. Give yourself some slack by ignoring criticisms because those people who throw such on you were not privileged enough  to be given the enthusiasm, time, and contentment which you have now.

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV84)

bubble textured wreath